Syunik region, Verishen
On the initiative of the Women's Development Resource Center, a social enterprise "Wool Carpet" was established in Goris community of Syunik region in 2014, which aims to create jobs for women in difficult situations, thus contributing to economic development. Through this initiative, waste wool is procured from local farmers and processed into products that meet market demand. 12 women from rural areas work in the "Wool Carpet" factory. The workshop is the main directions: processing of local wool, spinning of threads, carpet weaving / carpet weaving, production and sale of textiles / home accessories /. Wool yarn is made of 100% natural raw materials, ecologically clean, without chemical additives. The old traditional ornaments are restored in the workshop, both traditional and modern design carpets, souvenirs and home accessories are made. In 2020, the workshop expanded its activities և Established a new workshop in the village of Verishen, Goris community, where knitting is developed, local women make beautiful fabrics, home accessories. The main product of the workshop in Verishen is knitted with natural threads, from which bags, pillows and blankets are sewn in the same workshop. During the last 6 months, 12 Artsakh women have been trained at the Verishen workshop, 6 of whom now work there and earn income. Legal name of the company ,, Hanguyts LLC ,, brand- ,, Goris Handmade ,,